(Content and Language Integrated Learning)
At EUROGNOSI, children start learning English from a very young age in a real-life setting, adopting a holistic approach to language learning. Our little friends embark on a magical journey through the adventures of Alf, EUROGNOSI's first series of children's books where fun and learning harmoniously come together under the prism of the most modern methodology.

Students gradually discover their language abilities through a selection of exercises and activities that emphasize critical thinking. Join the heroes of EUROGNOSI on the exciting journey of learning through the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach, which allows students to explore and process cross-cultural thematic units using the English language as a tool.
Today, the European Educational Group EUROGNOSI is the largest Educational Organization for European Languages and Computer Science in Southeastern Europe.

Get In Touch

Vouliagmenis 142
+30 210 9636100
[email protected]

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Contact Hours

9 am - 5 pm , Mon - Fri